O, supposed to. Its also supposed to snow, and blizzard, and storm in January. And February too.
First we had a storm up here. Snow day Settlers of Catan and pancakes are always great, but it did make travel unsafe for my uship driver, so the trip was postponed.
Laura Poole went adventuring and took this pretty picture on India St.
Then it was freezing cold and the ice never left the roads and my uship guy took the time to travel home to Georgia. And then, guess what? Storm hit Georgia with a ferocity that the plow-less counties just hadn't seen before. He's still stuck. And the trailer is still stuck in Florida. And I'm stuck pushing everything back too.
After this second set back in just the first step, I was so frustrated. Its just so discouraging! I was ready to scream or cry. Or both. But thankfully I've got the best support system there ever was. My dad let me rant and rage. My mom ranted and raged with me. David reassured me this was only the first bump on a long and beautiful journey. And then I felt better. I can't control the weather, no matter how much I want the tiny house to begin.
Breathe in, breathe out.
And focus on things I can control.
Like streamlining our belongings. I've been culling my wardrobe weekly, cutting out what I don't use often, what doesn't fit, and what I'm just plain over, and bringing it all to the take it or leave it. How I love the take it or leave it. We just started going through our thing things- books, knickknacks, papers. That's where it gets difficult. David had a bonfire in the front yard of all his saved scraps of paper he's been carrying around for years.

I also ordered some seeds this week for a garden I'm very excited to grow! It's been a long time since I've planned on living in one place for more than a year. More than one spring to plant things. More than one fall to harvest. I'm excited at the prospect at putting in the energy and seeing my efforts come to fruit in a little, well loved garden. Who doesn't love a cottage garden? I got lupines to scatter, nasturtiums to climb, snap dragons because they're David's favorite, and kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate because its so pretty. I got the herbs we most use for tea- chamomile, echinacea, valerian,, hyssop, and yarrow- all which happen to be beautifully flowering. My herb garden is going to be a beautiful cluster of pink stocks, white bunches, purple bushes, and daisy dots. I'm so excited. As for veggies David is growing beets, purple peppers, dragon tongue beans, purple cauliflower, chocolate pear tomatoes, purple jalapenos, some really cool cucumbers, and some beautiful amaranth. I've got a lot of purple. Its going to be beautiful! Let me know if any of you want to seed swap!
Still waiting, but trying to stay positive, and with so many great things its not too hard.
I just bought a bunch of heirloom seeds and don't have enough room to use the whole packets--I'll message you what I have to share!
ReplyDeleteyay! I'm thinking about making seed bombs for my wedding, variety is welcome!
DeleteOh fun!